covid film industry

April COVID-cinema news

Updated lists of film grants, free courses, streams, and major festivals … April COVID news Well, they say it’s a tough time for the film industry. We have updated the list of film grants for 2020. We also want to present you a mini-guide to the most prestigious film festivals. Look details here Did you know that Toronto[…]

Filmmakers stories

Filmmakers & Filmmaking Stories: James Dilg

We filmed the outside scenes downtown Great Falls around 12-1 pm. A lot of workers have their lunch at that time which was funny, us being outside w/ a gimbal operator on a wheelchair going backwards to film our talent walking w/ a big boom mic and great falls being on their lunch to watch[…]

psychology in movies


We start a new rubric dedicated to research in film theory. Every month we will publish the most interesting scholarly articles, which were presented at the film studies conference in Minsk on March 13, 2020, with the support of the Short Movie Club. This time you will find a paper devoted to psychological issues in movies. This[…]

Making A Case for the Short

Making A Case for the Short The article “Making A Case for the Short” was submitted on behalf of the Lake Travis Film Festival. The Lake Travis Film Festival (LTFF) is a new festival with an eye to showcasing filmmakers and screenwriters from around the globe with authenticity, vision, and purpose. The festival aims to connect[…]


HOW I GOT INTO MAKING FILMS by Moira Rowan The Short Movie Club launches a column that dedicates filmmaking contexts. We will share the filmmaker’s stories about how they got into making films or about the challenges they were faced with. We hope that this article would be interesting not for filmmakers only but for all[…]

tips film festival accepting

12 Tips for your Film Festival Submission

12 Tips for your Film Festival Submission By Steffanie Finn, Executive Director, Winter Film Awards International Film Festival Film Festivals are an awesome way to spread the word about your film, network with filmmakers and producers, and possibly rack up some awards.  But, Festivals with live screenings cannot select every film submitted, and legitimate festivals[…]

Cinemania Stages

Cinemania Stages The text was provided by is a community of cinema enthusiasts, that is based on P2P principles. The article is an attempt to describe the evolutional way from a pop-corn amateur to a cinema-freak. Suggested six cinemania stages describe behavioral changes of a cinema lover. This classification is based on fiction, and[…]

Short Movie Club in Top 40 Independent Film Blogs 2019

Short Movie Club in Top 40 Independent Film Blogs 2019 Short Movie Club was selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 40 Independent Film Blogs on the web. The Best Independent Film Blogs from thousands of Independent Film blogs on the web using search and social metrics. Feedspot suggests the subscribing to these websites because they are actively[…]

What film festivals should i submit to?

What film festivals should I submit to? The festivals landscape is not the same as it was five or ten years ago. There are thousands of festivals you can find on the Filmfreeway. Their number reaches 10.000 almost. Majority of the festivals demands entry fee. Thus a festival circuit can be not cheap for a[…]

CinemaVan has gotten a National Vessel’s Сertificate

CinemaVan becomes a registered vessel The Short Movie Club supports the most amazing project related to cinema. One of the projects is the building of CinemaVan-amphibia. It is a mobile carriage or vessel that can turn into the pop-up cinema. And we have some wonderful news. CinemaVan has gotten a National Vessel’s Certificate. So it[…]


CAN WE MEASURE HAPPINESS* OF FILMMAKING? *In this article I express happiness in terms of satisfaction with achieving one’s aims in filmmaking. Two months ago I sent a survey out to filmmakers, asking them to clearly state the reasons they are still part of the filmmaking community. Also, I asked them for such details as[…]