Cinemania Stages

Cinemania Stages The text was provided by is a community of cinema enthusiasts, that is based on P2P principles. The article is an attempt to describe the evolutional way from a pop-corn amateur to a cinema-freak. Suggested six cinemania stages describe behavioral changes of a cinema lover. This classification is based on fiction, and[…]


Is making a short film an obstacle course? What is the greatest challenge for a filmmaker? Finding funds, crew, script, distribution… We described the most crucial challenges of film making according to the Short Movie Club poll as well as tons of FB comments are related to this topic. Just check it out: “The greatest filmmaker challenge is to deal[…]


Filmmaker is someone who eats anxiety and shits a well-executed group project that people share on YouTube.
Filmmaker is someone who holds a mirror to the world, to show the world its own beauty and its ugly side.
Filmmaker is soundman, cameraman, handyman.... Real man.

Filmmaker is someone who eats anxiety and shits a well-executed group project that people share on YouTube.Filmmaker is someone who holds a mirror to the world, to show the world its own beauty and its ugly side.Filmmaker is soundman, cameraman, handyman…. Real man.FILMMAKER What is a filmmaker? It is an obvious thing from one hand.[…]