
Filmmaker is someone who eats anxiety and shits a well-executed group project that people share on YouTube.
Filmmaker is someone who holds a mirror to the world, to show the world its own beauty and its ugly side.
Filmmaker is soundman, cameraman, handyman.... Real man.


What is a filmmaker? It is an obvious thing from one hand. The filmmaker is someone who makes films or movies. But from another hand, we should understand better social, psychological, cultural sides of this phenomena. The Short Movie Club made a little poll among movie makers. We asked how can we define making films? We requested the best definition) Our top rating of the bests is below. Also, you are welcome to suggest your own or rate our list.

Full thesaurus of  the expressive phrases about filmmaker:

A lot of vision and no money (Will Bowman)

A magician who did not to go to magic school. (Mohit Chowdhary)

A materializer of thought who brings into existence what does not already exists. (Daniel Fulthorp)

A Para-medical Psycho who cry with hallucinations of action & cut… (Dr. Tahir Mohd)

A person with little to no money and an expensive habit… (Scott McEntire)

A person dedicated enough to learn the technical, overcome the obstacles and bend reality to connect the audience with your vision. (Mak Wolven)

A recent film student graduate with no actual defined role within filmmaking. (Nick Clarke)

A storyteller who takes all of the art forms that existed and used them to create one powerful art form. (Liam Cronly)

A visual storyteller. (Dick Mays, Trent Taylor)

An artist and business person. (Thomas R. Dickens)

An artist’s inner journey for success with the high possibility that no one likes your art. (Vane Sopoaga)

An exposure hunter. (Sebastian Narbutas)

Hopeful fool. (Robert B. Westerfield)

Relentless visionary. (David Liban)

Socially acceptable masochism. (Richard Duryea)

Someone who holds a mirror to the world, to show the world its own beauty and its ugly side. (Darshan Gururaj)

Someone who makes dreams to become reality through Visual. (Ẹditor Kasim)

Someone who hates his job but can’t do any other profession. (David Peterson)

Someone who eats anxiety and shits a well-executed group project that people share on YouTube. (Eduardo Ramirez Jr.)

Someone who will risk everything to tell the story in their heart. (Andrés Salazar)

Soundman, cameraman, handyman…. Real man. (Wil Pelders)

Tireless submitter for the film festivals. (Alex Brendas)

Who knows the differences between film and video. (Nic Colas)






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